Hmmm....I'm sexually attracted to men and women but i can't see myself spending the rest of my life with a woman? Could this mean i'm gay, and that possibly all of the relationships i've had with women were actually a facade i put on for myself because i couldn't come to terms with being who i am? Whatever it is, i gotta do some serious thinking O_O I usually don't allow myself to think about something this much but it wont go away, probably until i'm able to give myself a clear cut answer...
Anyone out there who could give helpful advice would be greatly appreciated...
and trolls, try to resist trolling this once up...
Sexuality doesnt have to be a black and white thing. You say spend the rest of your life with women, well that right there implies marriage. That doesnt have to constitute a real relationship.
I actually dont know what the hell I'm talking about. But don't worry about it, its not worth it.